Electro Magnetic Pulse

Risks To Data & Computers

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EMP Weaponisation and warfare risk to computers and vast amounts of data being destroyed:

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The link contains important details of Electro Magnetic Pulses (EMP) from both Solar Eclipse and, in the very worst case, the rampant weaponisation of EMP technology.

We have reassurance from impeccable sources that President Putin wishes to enhance his legacy as a version of U.S. President Kennedy / General Secretary of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev, and emerge in a latter day Cuban Missile Crisis leader in an enhanced stature as

“President Putin,

The Leader Who Ensured

Nuclear War Was Avoided

Ironic when you contemplate that sentence and the

factual real-world rhetoric from Russia!

The sequence is for President Putin and (moreso) former President Medvedev to repeatedly threaten the West with nuclear war.

Meanwhile there is ample evidence of Russia having stockpiled amounts of EMP (non nuclear) weaponry.

These weapons will be tested on Russian territory. The purpose being to destabilise the money markets (especially cryptocurrency) once the realisation dawns that Digital Money can be destroyed.

We are advised that Putin’s “End-Game” is for the West to allow him to keep the majority of territory he has invaded in the Ukraine…

Source: Here

The price of the international community will pay Ukraine to avoid nuclear war and/or EMP Armageddon? Billions of dollars.

The price to Russia? Several EMP warheads deployed on Russian territory to cause an internet outage in Russia (no great loss). But if Western society sees an actual EMP blackout event that destroys all unshielded microprocessors + computer + internet infrastructure and massive amounts of data. Then a “Ukrainian Peace Talk” will commence at the United Nations and something akin to the Northern Ireland “Good Friday” agreement will be reached.


Protecting Your Organisatin From EMP Wipeout

EMP Is Covid For Computers: Digitally Lethal

For The Rolls Royce of Protection

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Engineering Crew

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