Tayport Group Ltd -v- Scottish Water & Clear Business Water
This page is currently OFFSITE and being EDITED between 30/10/2024 and 1/11/2024. Please check back after this time for the completed documents and disclosable evidence to be attached/embedded. Also, please note that for GDPR and Data Protection Act reasons, this page will become password protected during November 2024. It concerns some delicate matters involving the ill-heath retiral of the founding director of Tayport Group Ltd., and Sannox Hotel Ltd., and alleged misconduct by Scottish Water in concert with Clear Business Water.

^^ 280 High Street During Renovation ^^
In essence, Mr McLean was injured after being hit on the head by a 5,000 ton ferry…

^^ MV Caledonian Isles: Serious Accident Aboard ^^
Within a few hours he was hospitalised with what was subsequently diagnosed as a stroke within hours of that event. The company officers are currently engaged with selling the various buildings in a way that relieves Mr McLean to retire due to the evident ill-health, whilst ensuring that nobody loses their jobs.

^^ 280 High Street, Renovation Completed ^^
For safety’s sake, given the fact that a relatively benign call from Scottish Water caused a stroke-survivor to endure three hours of lethal hypertensive blood pressure crisis, (213/113), the new person dealing with these matters (Andrew Rutherford) has been asked to serve as a director of Tayport Group Ltd. Andrew has indicated his hope that all matters within this nascent complaint being reasonably and amicably resolved.

Above & Below Are A Lethal Combination.

Given the fact that Mr McLean previously served as a police officer and also senior civil court litigant in a 2004 case against the Scottish Government where he won the dispute (£10,280,000 cost against the Scottish Government). His last wishes were for every effort to be made to settle this pair of cases against Scottish Water and against Clear Business Water with current chronic matters being reasonably and amicably resolved without having to take up valuable time at HM Court.
Consequently, Mr Andrew Rutherford has volunteered to make best efforts in helping resolve the disputes raised by the Tayport Group Ltd., perspective.
The current status is the threshold of (alleged) civil infractions by Scottish Water and Clear Business Water appears to have been met. Consequently the brief is being prepare for submission to HM Court and (alleged criminal infractions). Although King’s Counsel is being consulted with regard to precedent of caseload on whether to refer certain matters to Police Scotland, prior to paperwork being readied for the duty sheriff at HM Court, Forfar.
However matters progress, for the sake of good form and so that evidential records may be accurate, Tayport Group Ltd., and Sannox Hotel Ltd., respectfully ask that ALL correspondence should be directed to…
Mr Andrew Rutherford, 280 High Street, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 1JF.
Recent Trigger Event
On 29th October 2024, a very polite gentleman from Scottish Water at the request of Clear Water Business telephoned our former Managing Director of Tayport Group Ltd. The call related to an innocuous matter of obtaining a meter reading from premises owned by Tayport Group Ltd., at 280 High Street, Arbroath, 11 1JF.
Unfortunately, the Scottish Water representative was not to know (and because of a stroke, our former Managing Director had forgotten) there IS an ongoing dispute with Scottish Water AND the private firm Clear Business Water at TWO of our building renovation sites. The Sannox Hotel site being closed and all utilities turned off, and the 280 site just re-opening following renovations after the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The Sannox Hotel building is completely turned off at the main stop-cock (there is generally a £100 to £200 each year for standing charges). Yet Clear Business Water keep charging £1,000 per month! Whilst Scottish Water DOUBLE-CHARGED the Sannox Hotel premises before they were removed as a supplier of water.
In fairness to Scottish Water, the conversation on 29th October 2024 from the Scottish Water staff member to the former Tayport Group Ltd., Managing Director was very courteous. The Scottish Water gentleman was professional and polite.
Unfortunately, due to the “history” of Scottish Water and Clear Business Water SENIOR MANAGEMENT ignoring a case where it is alleged and corroborated beyond reasonable doubt (criminal threshold of evidence) that Scottish Water and Clear Business Water have and continue to KNOWINGLY OVERCHARGE hundreds to thousands of their customer, the former Managing Director of Tayport Group Ltd., became measurably distressed in a way that can be lethal to stroke-survivors. He previously served as a police officer before having to retrain and work in a disabled capacity). But the former Managing Director still struggles when witnessing miscreants and allegedly rogue firms conduct themselves in a way that is at best, unlawful an at worst illegal.
The results that follow, in a similar vein to the human physiology and autonomic human metrics that are deployed in the lie detector technology are placed here as they tend to illustrate the truth in terms that are difficult to make happen consciously. In other words, these numbers caused by Scottish Water and jointly Clear Business Water’s unsolicited phone call tend not to lie. These measurements are of the former Managing Director of Tayport Group Ltd., and concern the building at 280 High Street, Arbroath and the Sannox Hotel building on the Island of Arran.

^^ Sannox Hotel, Island of Arran ^^
Closed Down Building
Water Mains Drained & Electricity Is Off.

^^ Sannox Hotel, Island of Arran ^^
The two buildings (i) 280 High Street, (community business centre) and (ii) Sannox Hotel (community amenity being renovated with planning permission for a new village shop to be built).
Both buildings have had the owning companies struggle to get in touch with the respective water companies. The water industry has been observed as one characterised as in a Post Office Horizon type meltdown.
Hence the nascent case of…
Tayport Group Ltd -v- Scottish Water & Clear Business Water
The counterpart detail indicating the medical result on this stroke-survivor are fortunate in this case (blood pressure eventually returned to “normal”). Though it is reasonable to aver that being wilfully blind in future communications where a person from a company such as Scottish Water in concert (jointly and severally) with Clear Business Water causing a stroke survivor to have severe hypertensive crisis and lethal levels of the recorded blood pressure events does tend towards a medical version of Russian Roulette of life or death…

^^ Screenshot 11b ^^
Scottish Water & Clear Business Water – Effect on stroke-survivor Russ McLean.
The next screenshot is to illustrate the ideal and medically lethal parameter of blood pressure range. It is included specifically to enable the reader of this to understand why putting a stroke-survivor into hypertensive crisis is not a safe thing to do.
Indeed, if this is done knowingly, and in terms that have a result where hospitalisation or worse occurs, it is probably advisable, in the interests of fairness, for whoever initiates such an event to consult with a firm of solicitors and seek/retain specialist legal counsel.

^^ Screenshot 11c ^^
In order to resolve both disputes, we would ask that because of the resultant problems Scottish Water and Clear Water caused to a stroke-survivor, that the two firms kindly appoint either a DISABILITY-TRAINED-CUSTOMER-CALL-HANDLER,
OR, write to:-
Mr Andrew Rutherford, 280 High Street, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 1JF.
Thank you.
Mr Andrew Rutherford is considering an offer to become a director of Tayport Group Ltd..
As part of that process, Mr Rutherford has thoughtfully offered replace Mr McLean (former Managing Director) and, in an effort to resolve the pre-litigation paperwork against Scottish Water and Clear Business Water in relation to the UNLAWFUL DOUBLE-CHARGING at the Sannox Hotel and the metering problems/accuracy at the 280 High Street premises.
The managing director served as a law oficer for several years and is of the advice that HM Courts and Sheriffs (the name for a judge in Scotland) frequently ask pursuers: “What have they done to resolve the dispute before oing to court?”
o in this vein, the directors and personnel at TayportGroup Ltd., are content to PAUSE the nascent litigation of…
Nascent Case 1 In Pre-Litigation
Tayport Group :Ltd-v-Scottish Water & Clear Water
and also suspend the second matter…

^^ New Water Supply In Process ^^
To remedy unlawful monetary overcharging by Scottish Water and Clear Business Water on an industrial scale for any hotel/B&B that contains a Manager or Owner’s Residential Dwelling as part of the hotel water supply.
Sannox Hotel Ltd -v- Scottish Water & Clear Business Water
This new connection (as evidenced by the trench works) has been required because Scottish Water have been proven to have chronically OVER-CHARGED for domestic water that has ALREADY BEEN PAID for via the Council Tax system and under extreme duress a second payment for the SAME water has been forced upon Sannox Hotel Ltd. Time and time again.
The Managing Director of both Sannox Hotel Ltd., and Tayport Group Ltd., is (or was until his stroke) Russell McLean.
No person at Scottish Water has been prepared to take ownership of what some several of our witnesses have seen as CHARGING TWICE for the same water.
In Scotland, Scottish Water receive vast amounts of money from Local Authorities BECAUSE it is the statutory duty of a local authority in Scotland to invoice and collect domestic rates/Council Tax (including the element for DOMESTIC water. Ergo Tayport Group Ltd., and the (former) resident site manager at Sannox Hotel have proof that BOTH Scottish Water AND Clear Business Water have been DOUBLE CHARGING at best. At worst, this is “theft by clandestine possession.”

^^ New Water Supply In Process ^^

^^ New Water Supply In Process ^^

^^ New Water Supply In Process ^^

^^ Static Meter reading For CLOSED Sannox Hotel ^^

^^ Static Meter reading For CLOSED Sannox Hotel ^^
In spite of ample evidence that the Sannox Hotel is closed and mothballed, Clear Water Business refuse to accept the hotel is closed and landbanked (until the Scottish Government sort out the ferry crisis (click here). Clear Business Water have extracted tens of thousands of pounds via direct debit from the bank accounts of Sannox Hotel, in spite of being repeatedly advised (and shown photographs) that the Sannox Hotel is being REBUILT. Those works were stopped under statute after the Covid Pandemic hit and that status of mothball/closure/landbanking persisted due to the Scottish Ferry Crisis. It would be unwise and cruel to employ new staff only to have to sack them because the current ferry mess in Scotland is euthanising the tourism industry on the Island of Arran.

^^ New Kitchen For Domestic Part ^^
As Per The Planning Permission & Building Warrant
But Not Yet Connected To The Mains Water Supply
Pending an effort by BOTH companies to RETURN the excess £3,280 paid by our companies to their firms in “Case 1” and
This page is not on the public Google system and will be password protected in order to avoid any GDPR problems.
However, a summary of the dispute was registered by one of our team and is summarised in the public domain…
Unfortunately, Mr Graham no longer works with our group. This fact was relayed to Scottish Water and on several occasions the Scottish Water (and Clear Business Water) businesse have been asked to help remedy the problem at Sour Sannox Hotel project (the building is still closedand awaiting the resolution of the Scottish Goverent ferry scandal before the Sannox Hotel is re-openend.
With respect to 280 High Street, after the managing director of Tayport Group Ltd (owner of 280 High Street) was injured by CalMac and a 5,000 ton ferry hitting his head, causing a stroke, there were several efforts to contact BOTH Scottish Water an Clear Water so as to get the water supply on a “normalised” supply basis. In fairness to Sottish Water and Clear Business Water, the Coronavirus Pandemic evidently caused admin., problems. The phones went either unanswered, or customers were/are put “on hold” for an hour or two (and then disconnected in a distressing waste of custommers’ time and upset.
Health Evidence
Here are documents to attest to disability of a former police officer injured in the line of duty and subsequent deterioration of health over two decades to the point where it is not the best of situations to do as the neurologist and cardiologist said: “please get your affairs in order Mr McLean”…







This page is being prepared in an effort to resolve the pending case against Scottish Water and Clear Business Water, relating to alleged OVERCHARGING on an industrial scale equivalent to the Horizon Post Office Scandal.
The content specific to this matter relates BOTH to the premises at (i) Sannox Hotel, Island of Arran, KA27 8JD and also to: 280 High Street, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 1JF.
For the sake of good form, and in a final effort to resolve these matters on a “pre-litigation” basis, please can all communications be in writing to:-
Mr Andrew Rutherford, 280 High Street, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 1JF.
Evidence of Previous Cases
In case the prospective Defenders, Scottish Water and Clear Business Water assume that the owners of 280 High Street and Sannox Hotel are unable to progress litigation to remedy injustice, here is one of several earlier cases progressed by our group of companies…
.Argyll Group plc (UPS) – v – CalMac Ferries Ltd
We Won & CalMac Lost
The Headlines of 24th September 2004...
“CalMac facing legal move on ferry sale.”
“Businessman claims public firm breached competition law…”
(i) Russ McLean & Argyll Group plc Newspaper Report: Click Here
(ii). ScotGov/CalMac Ferries Case Is Sinking: Click Here
(iii). Case Won: Click Here
(iv). Verdict in Law: Click Here
As if losing £10,000,000 and having their ships and piers taken off of them, CalMac Ferries and the Scottish Government learnt very little!